
Showing posts from August, 2021

EVA 终·希望的疾病

“ 名为希望的光芒永远照耀着人类,但人类也在沉沦,紧紧抓住名为希望的疾病不放 ” ——冬月耕造 碇源堂,从小就很寂寞,因为觉得人们逢场作戏,不真诚,怕被背叛,所以不与人交往,只是沉浸在自己的世界里,因为自己的世界是可控的。直到遇到唯,唯的光芒照亮了他,但也成了他的名为希望的疾病,直到希望变成绝望。因为渴望被爱,又害怕被伤害,所以寂寞,因为极端的寂寞,所以渴望光,渴望人类灵魂的终极融合。然而,碇源堂,传统意义上缺乏男性魅力的人,唯又是怎么爱上他的呢? 碇真嗣,和他父亲一样,寂寞,渴望被爱,又怕被伤害。不同的是,希望的疾病还没有侵蚀他太深,还有很多人感激他,需要他,爱他,引领他走出封闭,和世界重新建立联系。但如果他不是 eva 初号机的驾驶员呢? 人,渴望被别人爱,渴望成功,所以对未来充满希望,也因此紧紧抓住名为希望的疾病不放。可这一切其实就是个概率问题。你被不被爱,取决于你有没有遇到善良的人,或者合拍的人;你能不能成功,取决于你有没有天赋,选没选对职业,有没有遇到能激发你无穷动力的东西。当人因为运气不好而越得不到这些的时候,就越渴望,也越胆怯不敢冒险争取,怕被伤害。而只有放下这些渴望并且忘却希望,才能得到终极的自由,自由得去追寻目标,承担损失,以及给予别人爱。  

Practical Experiences From Full Stack Development of A Single Page Web App

  Background About 2 years ago, I summarized my several years’ software development experience and proposed some architectural design ideas in my article “ Single Page Web App UI Development Thoughts ”. However, these ideas were just rough ideas without being practiced anywhere. In the last 2 years, though in my formal job, I have worked on both frontend and backend, I only contributed features to different components of these systems and didn’t get a chance to design and implement a whole system using my ideas. So I built a side project from scratch to practice my ideas.  The side project is called Lingxijiao (demo: , github: ). It is a tiny dating oriented social app mainly for Chinese people. The core idea is to help strangers to connect with each other only when they confirm mutual interest to each other through simple but sharp posts and responses.  At the very beginning, I thought this project would on