
Showing posts from June, 2022

Philosophical Summary of Book ‘Software Engineering At Google’

Recently I finished reading the book Software Engineering At Google (Winters, Manshreck and Wright, 2020) . It is a very interesting book. It shares a lot of experiences, learned lessons, ideas and practices in software development culture, processes and tools. The parts that impressed me most are the high level philosophical ideas scattering around different chapters of this book. So instead of a regular summary of the book which you can easily obtain from each chapter’s tl;dr, this article will try to reorganize (as what Google often does) this book’s content and summarize it in a philosophical sense. Scalability Scalability is very important for large organizations with a large code base, workforce and long functioning period. Scale in long functioning period Software Lifespan The Lifespan of a software (whether long or short) makes a big difference in design. Software with a long lifespan should be made easy to adapt to new dependency versions or changes. Software developm...

美食家都是孤独的 ---- Sushi Shin 体验

因为订不到另一家米其林一星的寿司店,就提前一个月定了sushi shin的。 由于担心意外和堵车所以提前半小时到了附近。原本准备多出半小时周围逛一逛,探索一下redwood city downtown,结果正好停车的plaza 里发现了一个超大的书店。于是就把剩余的时间花在书店里了ーー(^U^)ノーーYO 书店里布置典雅,有各种书,还有乐高,拼图,工艺品,水杯,还有好多最新日本漫画。日本漫画旁边有俩熊孩子在嬉闹lol 随缘看上了下面这本书,很有趣很时髦的主题,作者是哈佛教授。书店似乎有意推销它,用很显眼的方式把它摆在了政治类书架的突出位置。 之后就是这次的正题,米其林一星,加税加小费 $300的体验。 一共九个食客,除了我一只单身狗,其他都是成双成对,年龄分布倒是比较广泛;有老年夫妇,似乎不怕疫情不怎么戴口罩;有中年夫妇,男的看似成熟稳重事业有成。有年轻夫妻/情侣。大部分都是亚裔。 主厨和侍者都是华人,用中日英三国语言解释着菜色。主厨也很幽默,一个食客手机不小心敲了下桌子,主厨开玩笑说我不心疼你的手机,但别砸坏我昂贵的桌子 lol。后厨有个白人年轻人似乎是学徒。 虽然是一个人来,但恰恰给了我一个人静静体会美食的机会。原本以为两个多小时的体验会过于缓慢而无聊,不过在进入那个环境后,却完全没有那种感觉。安静得坐着,伴随着舒缓的音乐,看着主厨一步一步得加工各种食材,一道一道得呈现给食客,而我则安静得慢慢得咀嚼品尝,注意力完全集中在享受食物上,没有任何外界的干扰,也不需要分心与旁边人聊天。 菜色味道部分,因为没吃过什么高端寿司,鉴赏能力还是小白水平,不做过多点评。也不需要过多描述,简单的美食最适合简单的描述。整体概括就是 鲜,各种不同的鲜,有表层的鲜,有慢慢咀嚼出的鲜,有余味袅袅的鲜,有像炸弹一样炸开的鲜。 口感丰富。有Q弹,有软糯...